Sunday, January 31, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have arrived in Panama, via the Tocumen International Airport--a tiny low-hassle affair that could be cleared in five minutes if you sprint off the plane and jump a few cues. I am staying at the Hostel Amador Familiar ( in Balboa, though only God knows how I ended up here from the airport. I'd given the cabbie such a confusing and broken description of where I was going I was a little amazed to find myself in front of the hostel where I'd made a reservation.

The trip is going well so far inasmuch as no luggage has been lost. The handle on my roller suitcase did get stuck, and in an effort to pry it into its erect position my finger got caught in it and I spent about five painful and embarrassing minutes wrestling my ring finger from its vice like grip, while amused tourists and airport workers looked on. So I'd say, in terms of my international traveling experience, I'm about par for the course at present.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fortuna Maps Expanded

Fortuna Map


Hello. My name is Brian and I am going to Panama from 1/29 to 8/16/2010 to conduct a series of ecological experiments at the Fortuna Forest Reserve in Western Panama. I would like to keep a blog to let the world (by which I mean immediate relatives and bored friends) know what I'm doing.
