Saturday, February 20, 2010

A tentative schedule

Feb 13-23: Panama City, pre-departure preparation/Carnival delay
Feb 23-March 2: Jim Dalling visit and Fortuna Departure/get experiment running
March 2-20: Working at Fortuna, monitoring experiment, training potential assistant
March 20-27: McKenna visits me at Fortuna
March 27-May15: Running experiment, making field measurements, training assistant
May 15-May 25: An estimate of McKenna's second visit
May 25-June 1: More time at Fortuna collecting samples to analyze with Ben Turner
June 1-14: Lab work with Ben Turner in Panama City
June 14-July 7: finishing up experiment and Fortuna measurements, harvest plants
July 7-August 16: complete the last of the lab work with Ben Turner in Panama City

1 comment:

  1. How are things at the lab? Looking forward to new pics.


